Arduino Project Hub
Project One - Light
- Student Activity 1A: Blinky*
- Student Activity 1A (Part 2): Blinky with Computer Control (Serial Monitor)
- Student Activity 1B: Adding a Potentiometer*
- Student Activity 1C: Using a Button to Control Lights*
- Student Activity 1D: Traffic Light*
- Student Activity 1E: Using a Photoresistor*
- Student Activity 1F: Blink without delay (Multitasking)*
- Student Activity 1G: How to create a fading LED*
- Student Activity 1H: Create any colour with RGB LEDs*
- Student Activity 1i: Using a LED as a Light Detector*
- Student Activity 1J: Interactive Dice
- Student Activity 1L: Reaction Game with LEDS
- Student Activity 1M: Controlling a RGB LED with Potentiometers
Project Four - Display
- Activity 4A: Using a Serial Monitor Display (With Moisture Sensor)*
- E Activity 4B: Using an LCD (requires Blockly Duino Advanced)
- Activity 4C: Temperature Sensor (requires the IDE)
- Activity 4E: Endless Runner Game
- Activity 4F: How to set up 7-segment displays
- Activity 4G: 7-Segment Display (with Shift Registers)
- Activity 4H: 4 Digit 7-Segment Displays (Keypad Control)
- SimpleDHT for use with 4E